build Hollywood relationships

YOUR way




Mini-Workshops & 28 Day Challenge


GROW your writing brand and position you as a world-class authority

CONNECT you with big-hearted, ambitious, supportive peers

ALLOW you to easily find & befriend dream colleagues

MAKE industry insiders want your screenplays and come to you

FREE you to have FUN with your outreach game

Do You Sound Like This?

  • Frustration #1

    “I love screenwriting, but I hate selling myself“

    BE: Then don’t. Just get into good conversations with producers and, if they ENJOY talking to you, they’ll ASK you about your work.

  • Frustration #2

    “Producers only take pitches from agents or a-list writers!“

    BE: Not true. They also take pitches from people they know. Why not get known for something other than badgering people?

  • Frustration #3

    “Agents ignore my emails, the #$%@*rs!“

    BE: Of course they do! Wouldn’t you? Stop trying to break down doors and create relationships that will get you invited inside.

  • Frustration #4

    “I’m an outsider and don’t know anybody in Hollywood!“

    BE: So? Neither did I when I first got started. Neither did almost everybody in Hollywood! You just need to practice talking about your favorite subjects with new people, and they’ll invite you in.

  • Frustration #5

    “Contests are a money-grabbing waste of time!“

    BE: Contests are TRYING to help you. I know writers who got discovered through contests, and many others that got discovered other ways. What’s the path that most inspires YOU? Choose that.

  • Frustration #6

    “The thought of pitching to strangers makes me sick!“

    BE: Yup. I hear you. But how does it feel to talk about a story you love? We show you how to run with the love.

You’ll Learn To:

  • Self Evaluate

    • Locate Your Starting Point

    • Explore Your Fav Films & Shows

    • Discover Where Your Superpower Lies

  • Define Your Superpower

    • Examine How You’ve Already Impacted People

    • Verify Your Superpower - With the Right People

    • Create a New Superpower Centered Concept

  • Have Fun With Outreach

    • Day Dream Your Dream Career

    • Befriend Agents & Buyers 

    • Use Your Superpower in Your Day Job

  • Troubleshoot Your Obstacles

    • Dive Deep with a Mindset Workshop

  • Self Evaluate

    • See How This Course Has Made A Difference

Your Coach:


I’m a WGA Screenwriter Who’s Sold Multiple Scripts in Hollywood

I’m living my dream life in Hollywood working my dream career and I’ve even been hired to rewrite an Oscar-winning screenwriter’s work. I know! I’ve consulted with creatives of all shapes and sizes from every level of success - even a studio director who made over a billion at the box office!

BUT, I Did Write and Direct Two Indie Featured That BOMBED at the Box Office

And that really hurt. So I made sure I would never have to experience failure like that again. And now, I’m coaching emerging screenwriters how to avoid that pain in their own careers.
I learned from my failures and successes and I've been teaching everything I know ever since!

Frustrated Screenwriters Keep Asking Me The Same Questions!

  • How do I get an agent?

  • How do I break into the business when I’m an outsider?

  • How do I know what my brand is? And what the hell is a brand anyway?

So I Created a Fun, Practical Course to Help Anyone Serious About Becoming a Professional Screenwriter

Originally I taught this program at UCLA Extension - for a lot more money! Since then, I’ve continued to curate this program and an amazing community to walk you through, step-by-step, a battle-tested successful process to define your Superpower and to easily find the people in Hollywood that are LOOKING FOR YOU.

What the industry is saying about BE:


"Brooks is a true professional.
You are in great hands with him as your writing mentor.

Brad Peyton, Director of San Andreas


"Brooks wrote the best screenplay I've read since AMERICAN BEAUTY."

Gerard Roxburgh, Producer


"I loved working with Brooks. He's smart, creatively agile, always positive. He'll totally bring out your best."

Roberto Orci, Producer of The Star Trek reboot trilogy



Unleash Your Superpower showed me how to speak to my strengths in an efficient, super-powered way. It felt simple, but kinda magical when this helped me build real relationships online with pro colleagues.”

Jodi Davis, screenwriter

“I painfully struggled to approach connections. Brooks' ideas showed me how it can be easy and fun. Thanks to him, I'm talking with a producer now that previously worked with the star I want for my new film!”

Jake Skrok, writer/director